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2017 Digital Marketing News - Robots to create ads?

2017 Digital Marketing News — Coca Cola’s Plans to Replace Creatives With Robots


This week, we look at two of the most interesting developments in the world of digital marketing.

Could Coca Cola’s Future Ads Be Created By Robots? 

Recently I wrote a blog about the takeover of AI (artificial intelligence), in which I asked: is artificial intelligence making us lazy? (The answer is yes, yes it is). However, it seems that now it’s not just pizza staff who could be missing out on jobs in the future (see my previous blog for lots of pizza robot examples), now creative industries may need to watch their backs as well!

Coca Cola robot

Take for example Coca Cola, who recently shared their vision to create artificial intelligence bots who can do everything from writing scripts and posting on social media, to buying media. Surprisingly, algorithms are already writing copy (such as the Associated Press’ robot journalists) and picking up music, so one has to wonder, will Coca Cola’s vision come true?

“I don’t know if we can do it 100 percent with robots yet—maybe one day—but bots is the first expression of where that is going,” shared Coca Cola’s Global Senior Digital Director, Mariano Bosaz, when speaking with AdWeek recently.

Which Industries Are Getting The Most ROI Out Of Their Digital Marketing?

Industries with best digital marketing ROI

According to a recent article from Entrepreneur, there are 5 industries who are really maximising their Digital Marketing ROI’s—and the results may surprise you!

    1. Law
      While legal firms may not be big on specific content marketing strategies, where they do excel, is blogging. If you have any legal contacts on LinkedIn, most likely you will have noticed that they tend to share a lot of helpful industry blogs—which of course, are a real draw card for clients looking to learn more about those particular topics, and find a law firm to help them out.
    2. Health
      Where do you go when you’ve got a health query? If you’re like 77% of other internet users, Dr. Google is the first place you check (Pew Research Center Health Online, 2013)! For that reason, health related businesses see significant return on investment when implementing strong digital marketing strategies.
    3. Auto
      While advertising has always played a huge role in the auto industry, the last few years have shown a huge shift from traditional mediums to digital marketing. According to eMarketer, digital marketing rose almost 22% between 2014 to 2015.
    4. Food
      This one shouldn’t come as a surprise—I mean, how often do you go on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest for recipe inspiration? No longer restricted by recipe cards or books, the food industry now generates a huge return on investment simply by sharing short videos or tantalising images across their social media channels—and with huge engagement to boot!
    5. Entertainment
      Okay, this is probably the most obvious of industries, but nevertheless, entertainment remains large on the digital marketing ROI scale! How often do you see movie trailers, festival lineups, gigs, events and behind the scenes content shared across social media? It’s pretty much the go-to for entertainment insiders these days!

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