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Local Search Optimisation
Local Search Optimisation – How To Stand Out

Ranking well in local search is now mandatory for smaller businesses and for those with a geographical client base. However, it’s worth noting the associated ranking factors differ when compared to a national search. And you need to know the difference! Depending on what services you offer, the local search battle can prove highly competitive.
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Digital Marketing Industry Updates – July

Google announces new reporting features for Google Analytics 4 New features have been added to Google Analytics 4 in a bid to increase usability and enable deep-diving into certain analytics that aims to fill the gaps of those who opt-out of being tracked. This includes new navigational panels to switch between reports, expanded conversion modeling,
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The Importance Of Linking For Your Small Business Website

Many small business owners ponder the same question: how do I attract more customers? Using a website is a proven way of making your business more accessible. And in saying that, there are dozens of on-page SEO ideas that can help search engines find your page. Getting high-quality links for your SEO is vital when
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Investing In Customer Retention: A 2022 Must

Due to the solemn fact that 90% of all startups fail within their first two years of operation, many are starting to consider whether the old rule of thumb of 10% budget spend on marketing is sufficient. Maybe, some of these startups would benefit from a more padded marketing approach of 15 or 20%. When
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What Are Microsoft Ads and How Do They Complement Your Existing Search Marketing Strategy?

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the words “Search” or “Pay-per-click”? Naturally: Google! That proves true as well for advertising on search engines. Because Google holds the lions share of search results and queries across the internet. Google might always be the first choice of search engine that any business or
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Growing Your Brand On A Small Budget

We’re surrounded by world-renowned brands like Amazon, Starbucks, Apple, and the like so often, we sometimes forget there are millions of small businesses in Australia and New Zealand that create two-thirds of our jobs. SponsoredLinX has grown by expanding these businesses, often by taking a leaf out of these giant brand’s handbooks. Being inspired by
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Digital Marketing Industry Updates – June

Instagram releases new analytics: Live Videos, Reels & Likes Instagram has announced that it is releasing new native data for its reel and live video features for digital marketers to assess their performance and make more informed decisions. Reels will now report on plays, accounts reached, likes, comments, saves, and shares. Additionally, metrics rolled out
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4 Easily Accessible Resources for Managing Your Campaigns through Covid-19

Over the past year, COVID-19 has disrupted businesses big and small all over the world. It has changed much of our behaviours, not just as citizens and consumers, but as entrepreneurs and business owners as well. Much of what used to be brick-and-mortar businesses have now moved and taken up space online and are now
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How to Find Your Audience on Social Media?

When it comes to digital marketing there’s one major problem that continues to plague small businesses: finding the right audience. No business wants to put in hours and hours of hard work, only to find out that the people they’re engaging with online are not exactly the people likely to buy their products or services.
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