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What Pokemon Go can teach us about ‘how to catch em all’ (customers that is!)

Have you noticed an increase in people walking around town lately, staring with dedicated concentration at their smart phones? Maybe yelling with excitement, or screaming with disappointment? You’d be forgiven for thinking that perhaps they’ve just received a really great (or disappointing) email. But the reality? They’re probably just looking for Pokemon. Welcome to ‘Pokemon
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What Are Google Snippets?

The latest Aunt Agony and DIY hero! Have you ever had a question you needed the answer for quickly? Maybe you spilt red wine on the new carpet? (Who hasn’t). Or while wandering the supermarket shelves, you wondered what to make for dinner? Almost always Google has the search result for you, but we often
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Three Tech Trends To Watch

“How did I miss that?” At some stage you’ve likely asked yourself this exact question. Missed what, exactly? I am referring to digital and technological developments. Believe it or not, there are still small businesses that do not own a website and have zero presence online. The innovation and advancements we are now seeing affect
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The New Girl, Control Freaks & Digital Health

There is an old adage that ‘a [tradesman] is only as good as his tools’. I find this to be quite poignant, as I enjoy tinkering on my cars and bikes on the weekends – and the one thing I find that has let me down in the past is poor quality tools. Alongside that,
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Beyond Demographics and Customer Intent

Can you predict the future? Do you know what your customers need? Do you know when they need it and most importantly, can you position yourself to be available at the recognised moment of need? With Google (and SponsoredLinX) you can. Demographics, sub sections of audiences based on gender age, location, etc. are fast becoming
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Seasonal Keywords for Season Promotions

Well, it’s that time of year again, everyone is saying goodbye to their favourite habits and finding chocolate eggs strewn about their gardens and homes… “Happy Easter everyone!” – This is what your SEO strategy looks like right now in May if you left your Easter SEO planning until a few weeks before the main event.
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How To Use Google Trends For Your Marketing Strategy

Spoiler Alert: Remember in ‘Back To The Future 2’, when Marty McFly picks up a copy of the Sports Almanac from 2015? It contained a copy of all the sports results from 1950 – 2000, you know, to make a little money from the future. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to look into
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Case Study: Accountants and the EOFY

How to attract new customers The End of Financial Year (EOFY) can be a busy and stressful time for most Australian businesses, with BAS, PAYG summaries, tax returns and a whole lot more to think about. While most probably have an Accountant they go to year on year, many don’t, or perhaps they’re looking to
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What’s Google up to these days?

Algorithm updates and more! It seems like it has been a long time since the SEO industry was in a panic over the latest massive update from Google. There was all of the drama surrounding the inaptly named ‘mobilegeddon’ update this time last year. Ultimately that proved to be less of a big deal than
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Hyper Remarketing

Add a little hyper to your market! Have you ever been to a website and then suddenly seen the ads for that business all over the internet? Ads on other websites, ads in banners, even ads in your Facebook feed – that company’s advertising budget knows no bounds! Welcome to the world of remarketing. Remarketing
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