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How to layer your marketing One of the modern classics in cinema has been, in my opinion, Inception. Let’s not worry about if you got it first time around or not, the key take away from the movie was that different levels of consciousness are contained with-in people. This has led to the catch phrase
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7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Stop Advertising Over Christmas

The Holiday Season is a time for family and fun, but for many small business owners across the country it is the time of year where many experience a surge in revenue and online traffic incomparable to any other time of the year. Making this short period of time count equals extra stress and pressure,
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Google AdWords Holiday Planning Must-Haves

  The Christmas season for children is often a time of excitement and anticipation. On the other hand, Christmas for adults in business and in marketing can be a time of stress, flurry and potentially record breaking revenue. So how do you create one and avoid the other for your business this December? A solid,
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Testing is the Pathway to Landing Page Optimisation

Bounce Rate – what is it and does it really matter? You have probably heard that your website’s bounce rate is a clear indication of how relevant and successful your website, and landing pages, are. This is not entirely true. If you have been told this, or read this, then we’ve got news for you.
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