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The New Girl, Control Freaks & Digital Health

There is an old adage that ‘a [tradesman] is only as good as his tools’. I find this to be quite poignant, as I enjoy tinkering on my cars and bikes on the weekends – and the one thing I find that has let me down in the past is poor quality tools. Alongside that, being without the correct tool for the job in the first place is also less than advantageous. The same principal applies to digital marketing, albeit without the skinned knuckles and grease-stained palms.

SponsoredLinX has a number of proprietary tools that have been created in-house by skilled members of our team to augment our effectiveness. As a digital marketing industry leader it is in our best interests to maintain momentum with our innovative practices so we can continually provide our clients with the best possible service value on a day-to-day basis.

Recently, we enlisted a new employee named Erica, although she does not occupy a desk, eat other people’s lunches in the fridge, or leave dirty coffee mugs in the sink. Originally I assumed she was a repeated no-show, but discovered that Erica was actually ERICA (Evaluating Results In Client Accounts) a rather self-explanatory acronym for an account management platform, developed in-house and in a similar vein to Kratu.


Prior to ERICA’s launch, Client Managers lacked an automated tool to batch-check every client’s account and its various metrics at once, in real time. This manual method was time consuming and did not provide an efficient approach to meeting the ever-growing needs of our client base. By having this data presented on a single page and in an intuitive table based format, the potential for human error is reduced exponentially. Thus ERICA benefits both SponsoredLinX and its clients mutually, as the time originally spent by a Client Manager manually investigating these metrics can now be invested in optimising accounts accordingly to potentially increase ROI for clients.


Another key aspect of our business is our ability to assess the virtual ‘health’ of an existing AdWords account for the purpose of providing a prospective client with an idea of how a SponsoredLinX managed account could benefit them. AdAdviser is another proprietary piece of software we have developed for that purpose, and additionally for assessing currently managed accounts to ascertain their effectiveness using benchmarks derived from 10 years of AdWords data we have collected. Prior to this, a Marketing specialist would perform the checks over an average 30 minute span – however with the implementation of AdAdviser – this has been reduced to a swift 30 second process with reduced margins of error.

The third product I want to mention is our Client Panel, which was built with our clients in mind who had previously attempted to manage their own accounts prior to signing on with us. An Australian first; the SponsoredLinX Client Panel provides a centralised location for clients to get an intimate understanding of their managed marketing efforts in real-time, 24 hours a day. In addition to the value this adds to a hands-on client, it also allows for a considerable amount of transparency in our operating procedures by providing up-to-date information, itemised billing information and performance statistics.

The aforementioned platforms are but few of the tools we have developed for SponsoredLinX staff and clients to have at their disposal, but are the ones we are most proud of as they provide the greatest benefits to the services we provide. New projects are constantly in development, and existing tools are constantly being refined and improved to reflect ever-changing markets and Google’s own frequent changes.

If you think that your business’ online presence is overdue for a checkup, I strongly encourage you to visit SponsoredLinX and register with us for your free health check – you can’t afford not to!

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