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IT Criminals Exposed

For those who have received a phone call from Microsoft employees claiming that there’s a virus on your computer, only to realise that the entire incident has been a fraudulent attempt at gaining personal details – it’s all been exposed.

These scammers, whom targeted Australia first, have had their own identities exposed and used against them in a world-wide intelligence effort at shutting down these illegal entities.

The safest method of preventing your details from being hijacked is simply to not entertain the notion of Microsoft phoning up and claiming to be able to fix a problem you have been unaware of.

Australian Communications and Media Authority Chairman Chris Chapman advises consumers that the most effective method of thwarting scammers is simply hang up and never give an unsolicited caller access to your computer or credit card details.

Prevention is better than cure, don’t allow your business to succumb to the tactics of the dark-side of the IT industry.