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The Small Business Digital Grants Program

Are you considering updating or indeed creating your digital marketing? Well, nows the time! As of this week, the third round of small business grants from the Queensland government is available for application. Meaning small businesses can apply for matched funding of up to $10 000! In short, the Small Business Digital Grants Program provides small business with access to digital technologies and services. Enabling them to work faster, smarter and engage with the global economy.

Got questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got answers!

How Much Money Is Offered? 

Matched funding of up to $10 000 is available. Meaning if you wanted to invest $4000 in online marketing for your small business, then you can actually invest $8000 with the other half paid for by the QLD government.

What Do I Have To Do To Get The Grant?

Your business must show that the tech or service purchased and adopted will improve the capabilities of your business to enhance your competitiveness and employ more staff.

Is My Business Eligible?

All QLD based small businesses are applicable, just as long as they can show the technology or service purchased with the grant will enhance their presence and increase their competitiveness.

Specifically, your business must:

  • Have an ABN and be GST registered
  • Be based in QLD or have significant QLD based operations
  • Have fewer than 20 employees at time of application
  • Declare if any owners or directors have filed for bankruptcy or been insolvent

A year after the completion of the project your business must complete a survey and provide a detailed report on how the funds were allocated and their impact on the business.

Each business can only apply once per year.

How Do I Apply?

Applications opened yesterday on the 27th, you can lodge an application online at

If an online submission is not feasible, email your details to [email protected] and you’ll be contacted about further options.

What Needs To Be Included In The Application?

Your application must include:

  • A detailed quote for the technology or service for which you are seeking funding
  • A clear outline of how the digital technology or service will enhance the digital capabilities of the business and make the business more competitive
  • Detail of the impact the technology or service will have on the business, for example, revenue growth, cost savings, time savings, employment outcomes
  • A declaration of employee headcount
  • Confirmation and breakdown of your matched financial contribution.

If you will be using a consultant to deliver a service, a project proposal and quote from the consultant must be submitted with your application, and include:

  • The services the consultant will provide, including a break-up of key activities
  • Delivery timeframes
  • Consultant /service delivery costs
  • Names of the key people who will undertake the project work.

If I Get It, What Services Can I Use It For?

Well, the information provided by the QLD government doesn’t delve into too much detail, but it could be anything that helps measurably grow your business. This could include a new website or a website redesign, online stores, marketing optimisation, AdWords (cannot be used for paying for clicks – campaign building and setup only) or SEO spend or blog content. Just as long as the technology or service falls under one or more of these areas:

  • Planning or training
  • Receiving payments or online sales
  • Content (web pages, apps, media etc)
  • Specialised tech or software (depending on your business)

My Application Was Successful, How Long Until I’m Allocated Funds?

Payment will be made directly to your business on completion of the project with proof of payment for the product or service. The value of the grant payment will be increased to compensate for any GST.


Website: Small Business Digital Grants Program

Full PDF details

Apply here: Online application

Small Business Digital Grants Program

We can help you get 50% of your costs covered for:

– Brand new or updated website
– Animated video advertising

All QLD based small businesses are applicable, as you can show the technology or service purchased with the grant will enhance your business’s presence and increase it’s competitiveness.

Read more about the Small Business Digital Grants Program to see if it’s for you.



*Can not be used for paying for ads – setup only