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The Future Is Here…

William Gibson, an author in the Sci Fi genre, has said, “the future is here, it is just unevenly distributed”.

Today we walk around with a powerful computer in our pockets, so powerful that we can literally talk face to face with someone on the other side of the world. Consider, though, that this is just the technology that has been able to be mass produced, that it is years of research, development, preparation, assembly and transport before it has even hit your palm. Ten years ago a computer was considered obsolete the moment you took it out of the box, now I’d suggest it is obsolete by the time they begin to build it. How exciting is that?!

Those pocket computers give us access to the world at our fingertips, literally. If you have the latest gadget, the newest update, the greatest product, how do you get it to the people who want or need it? The internet is obviously the answer, we’ve all been using it for years to search and market the goods we need and use. However, the game is changing, more people are searching on the go, maybe they’re on the road and can’t get to their computer to research a product they want. Or maybe they’re on the couch and they’re comfortable and going into the study is just that bit too far. I don’t judge, that was me after Christmas dinner! My smartphone was in my pocket, I found exactly what I needed on Google and purchased it on the spot. Then I had a nap!

The site I bought from was mobile optimised, easy to navigate on my phone and the only issue I had was having to reach into my back pocket for my wallet to grab my credit card details. It took me a couple of seconds to get comfortable again! However, there were a few sites I browsed briefly prior to the purchase that were not mobile optimised. I would have needed a magnifying glass to read the info, or needed to do the old “pinch and squeeze”, which makes for an extremely frustrating browsing experience. Lucky I was only on them for a couple of seconds!

The increase in mobile traffic can clearly be seen when you look at your Adwords or Analytics data. We’ve seen a dramatic increase in the last few years and the forecast is it is going to continue to rise! If you want to be seen, for more than a couple of seconds, make sure your website is optimised for mobile usage. That way you will have the best chance of evenly distributing your latest product. There is potential technology that somewhere, someone has already achieved. There are the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. It could be someone in the biggest corporate research facility carefully engineering the next update to their product, or someone in the smallest garage tinkering with a brand new concept to impact the human experience. Google, Facebook, SEO and Mobile Optimisation all ensure the greatest opportunity to market directly to the people that need the latest and greatest!

Distributing technology on distributed technology that will assist in evenly distributing technology! The Future Is 2014.

Happy New Year!