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The Importance Of Linking For Your Small Business Website

Many small business owners ponder the same question: how do I attract more customers? Using a website is a proven way of making your business more accessible. And in saying that, there are dozens of on-page SEO ideas that can help search engines find your page.

Getting high-quality links for your SEO is vital when trying to gain more traffic and in turn conversions. Let’s discuss the importance of linking to and from your website, and why it’s a marketing strategy must!

Earn Some Credibility

For the majority of small to medium business owners, boosting your overall reputation is indeed a priority. No more so than online. By showing consumers that you’ve done your research with links to your content, you’ll appear informed. And appearance is everything!

In years gone by, people would add links to the pages they sourced for their content at the bottom of the article. This then went overlooked, which is why linking became the go-to when attempting to source or provide credit to another website. Adding links from sites with good authority will only help you when it comes to looking for more customers.

When trying to impress new visitors to your website, you’ll need to prove your credibility. With the correct links and image, you should have no issue establishing initial trust from this user, which goes a long way in terms of gathering quality leads.


More Views Is Good News

Another positive to be gained when putting links within your content is more page views. Usually, the site you link will link back to you, allowing you access to a whole new sector of people.

You need to communicate with the pages you’re linking in the hope they’ll link you back in return. The more research you can do on the places you link to, the more equipped you are to choose relevant and high authority sites.


Sharing Is Caring

When creating content for their site, most people hope that it gets shared amongst their network of followers. By putting the emphasis on universal access rich with links, you’ll be able to increase the share factor of your content. If you’re not sure how to write content, then hiring a professional is something seriously worth considering.

Having an article go viral leads to a lot of attention. More traffic to your site equals a growing customer base!

Networking Is Power

If you’re constantly trying to connect with other creators then you’ll need to establish working relationships. With these relationships, you can expand your business. Networking, both online and not, is essential when it comes to bringing more attention to your business and your business website. While you’ll never be able to make nice with every blog owner you contact, your success rate will grow over time.

The Importance Of Linking

Quality Is A Commodity

And by quality, we mean good backlinks. Healthy backlinks are those that are used moderately, being relevant to the topics of the platforms they appear on. They’re not sent out to all corners of the web. Unhealthy backlinks appear as spam and will harm your position on SERPs.

If you’ve made this mistake previously, find out if you can remove the existing links. In the past, some businesses paid to have links to blogs. This, however, was not a smart way of promoting yourself as Google doesn’t recognise this as a proper link anymore. These unhealthy backlinks, if still out there, may be hampering your online recognition.

Backlinks Can Sting

Nothing is 100% good, and backlinks do have their negatives and can hurt your business if not careful. Companies the world over spend big money to maintain their reputation. However, you needn’t spend thousands on something you can do yourself.

You can easily ID harmful backlinks that pose a threat to your reputation by linking your address to Monitor Backlinks. Upon doing this, you’ll be notified each time your site is linked by another.

So, what kind of links are harmful?

  • Ones that use aggressive or violent language
  • Links that are from another niche industry
  • Ones from gambling or pornographic websites
  • Links from sites that lean strongly one side or another politically or religiously

While linking may seem confusing to some, it’s one of the best ways to drive more traffic. The time you invest will only pay off in the end, however, trying to handle this taxing process alone can lead to more problems. That’s where we come in!

SponsoredLinX’s expert SEO team are only a call away and are here to help your website get found! Call 1300 859 600 today and let’s sort a backlink strategy that works for you!