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Convert More Leads
Our second step is making sure that your website is able to convert the traffic you receive into leads for your business. Optimising your website to convert more leads is important to a profitable campaign. Web Development Convertopages Do It For Me eCommerce“I just want to say thank you! The changes that you have applied in our AdWords campaign have definitely seen an improvement on click quality and sales for HippityHop.”
Retain Your Customers
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Seasonal Keywords for Season Promotions
Well, it’s that time of year again, everyone is saying goodbye to their favourite habits and finding chocolate eggs strewn about their gardens and homes…
“Happy Easter everyone!” – This is what your SEO strategy looks like right now in May if you left your Easter SEO planning until a few weeks before the main event. Over the last few months Google has been crawling its way through that quality content you uploaded to your website, chasing those highly relevant links you put so much effort into and has finally decided your website is worthy of a top spot on Google. The only problem is you’ve missed the party! Everyone else has packed up, gone home and is already a step ahead of you for their next seasonal gig… or strategy! Not to mention there’s no more traffic on all of those keywords you targeted, at least not until next year (hint!).
Stepping out of that highly unorthodox analogy, in this article we’re here to tell you how (in a few simple steps) you can make the most of the biggest seasonal events of the year on Google organic.
So in order to take home the biggest slice of the seasonal SEO pie, you’re going to need to follow these instructions closely. First, we’ll start with a list of all the seasonal promotions or events you want to run throughout the year. Let’s say you’re an electronics retailer with an online e-Commerce store (think Dick Smith or JB Hi Fi) and you’ve got a feeling Christmas this year is going to be huge. For this example I’ll cover off the Christmas seasonal promotion, but when creating your own list, you want to be fully thorough and include all seasonal events on your business’ calendar (think Mothers’ Day, Valentine’s Day, etc.).
To create your list, simply:
– list the event
– list the promotions you want to run for the event
– list the keywords associated with each promotion that you want to target
So it might end up looking a bit like this, except with all of the events and offers included instead of just Christmas:
Once you’ve planned out all of your events for the year, it’s then a simple case of beginning your SEO strategy three to six months ahead of time. The more time you give yourself to develop and improve your rankings for these keywords; the more secure your position will be, come the day or days of the event.
The actual SEO strategy you will use is ultimately up to you or whoever you’re working with, but a good place to start would be creating some blog posts or pages on your website with some unique, interesting and relevant content about these promotions, and don’t forget to include your keywords! You will probably end up with quite a few keywords to work with, but you don’t want to stuff the articles with too many of them, think quality over quantity here.
Once you’ve started your SEO strategy for these keywords, if you’ve planned ahead far enough it’s a simple case of monitoring the movements of these keywords and making any adjustments to the strategy as needed. Reassess things a month or two before the event to see if any more needs to be done to get more visibility for these keywords. Plus, the pages on your website will accumulate more authority over time. If you keep them fresh and up to date with a little more SEO from time to time, it’s likely they’ll be where they need to be the following year.
So is seasonal SEO for you? Well, every industry has peaks and lulls in consumer interest; at least some level of seasonality in the popularity and/or demand for its products and services. Seasonal SEO is about capitalising on these opportunities six months ahead of time. Google only checks over any given website roughly once every 14 days, so it may only see and assess your SEO strategy 6-12 times throughout the entire three to six month process. That’s a lot of communicating to do with Google in just 6-12 conversations, so you better make it count!
And what better way to make it count than by getting in touch with an SEO professional today at SponsoredLinX. Call 1300-859-600 to find out how to execute this plan down to the T.