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SEO Tips To Boost Your Google Rank

It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway—SEO is highly technical. There are more than 200 influencing factors and it’s difficult to know concretely what you as a business needs to do to stay ahead of the game.

However, while it is difficult to comprehend every element, there are some simple things you can be doing to ensure you’re increasing the search engine optimisation opportunities for your website.  With all that in mind, here are four SEO tips to boost your Google Rank

Use Keywords

Google’s algorithms may have evolved significantly since the beginning, yet they still rely heavily on keywords to ensure people find you.

Although people are now asking specific questions in the search bar, you still need to know what keywords they use and ensure they’re included in your content. Be aware not to simply force them in, as user experience and readability is more important than keywording, so if they seem unnatural, it’s best to leave them out. But including key focus terms in your posts, including headlines and meta descriptions, helps Google understand what your page is about.

SEO tips to boost your Google Rank

Answer Questions

Perhaps the biggest thing you need to consider with your SEO is that people go to Google with specific questions in mind. The page that best answers their questions the best is the one Google will find first.

It’s because of this you need to carefully consider which questions people will be asking in relation to your product or service. Discuss with your team which questions they get asked by customers, note them down, and ensure the content on your website answers these questions.

SEO tips to boost your Google Rank

Share Content 

Once you’ve crafted your content and optimised the basics, you need to get backlinks.

Backlinks are links that come from other websites — the more popular or authoritative the source website the better. For example, if there was an article on the SMH site that linked back to yours, that automatically gives your page significantly more credibility because the SMH is one of the biggest websites in Australia.

Think of it like a trusted expert endorsing you on TV—trust and awareness in you increase, thanks to this person’s prominence. This is essentially how backlinks work.

Getting backlinks is a difficult yet essential step in getting people to visit your website. You can do this first by sharing your new posts on social media, or via an email list. If people like your content, they’ll share it, increasing your traffic and boosting your opportunities of getting backlinks from other sites.

SEO tips to boost your Google Rank

Mobile Optimisation 

In 2017, people are surfing the net more on their phones than they are on anything else, and your website needs to reflect that.

Google actually penalises non-mobile optimised pages, giving preference to better-performing pages to improve the user experience. You can test your page’s mobile suitability by utilising Google’s mobile-friendly test, you can also test your sites speed via Google’s Page Speed Insight

SEO tips to boost your Google Rank

SEO is a very difficult area to master, but here we’ve tried to give you some of the basic building blocks of a successful SEO strategy. Have more questions? Get in touch with SLX today 1300 859 600 and we’ll work on an SEO plan that boosts your Google Rank today!