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Why SEO Needs Evergreen Content
Is has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Evergreen content. Even the term ‘evergreen’ gives the impression of something that is always fresh, always relevant, always useful… which is precisely what evergreen content is. It’s content that has been created with the intent of always being applicable to the website or business it has been written for, and it’s always useful for the reader who comes across it. It’s content that ‘never gets old’, it’s sustainable, it’s the eternally youthful version in the content world… you get my drift.
Often, we create evergreen content when we write about getting back to the essentials, or the basics, of a core business. When you answer questions such as, ‘What are our products/service? What are the features and benefits? Who is the target audience? What is our Unique Selling Proposition?’ you end up creating content which for the purpose of your business will always provide long-lasting online traffic to your website. Who doesn’t want long-lasting traffic driven to their website?
Anyone can create content that stands the test of time, and truthfully with a bit of planning and research, evergreen content is invaluable. However, it can take some time to get right, and most of this has to do with the planning and research phase. You must ensure that you include keywords that are highly relevant to your products/services and match the intent of your prospective customers. Free online tools such as Google Trends will help you to identify industry topics that could provide opportunities for your business, and Keyword io is a great online keyword research tool which will help your content to organically rank in online search engines such as Google. Before you begin using either of these tools, try out Keyword tool io as it will help you to identify what your customers are looking for.
An example of evergreen content that I created a couple of months ago was my, ‘How To List to Beat the Content Blues’ blog. It goes through a list of ideas which anyone can use to write engaging content, no matter what the subject matter is. It’s relevant, easy to read and provides timeless solutions to cure boring content. Yes, some of the solutions will need updating, but the core message will stay the same.
Hubspot have written that, “There are basically two types of evergreen content: content that remains pertinent, regardless of passing time and changing culture, and content that loses relevance and importance over time if it’s not tended to and updated to reflect changing trends and technology”. However, I would argue that all content needs to be updated and tweaked to reflect minute changes in the marketplace. Let’s face it, business environments never stay the same; things are always changing and flowing, sometimes due to external influences outside of your control, such public economic sentiment or even climate change! So why would the evergreen content which represents your business not be subject to the same events? The truth is it is. Your products and/or services will evolve over time. You will innovate or risk falling behind, and so will your evergreen content.
If you’re looking to create some evergreen content for your business, there are several types of content that you can look at. Content that aims to explain what your business does and what your business sells will always help, so long that it is naturally keyword rich. Think back to earlier in the article when I discussed what types of questions you should ask yourself when looking into how you can write evergreen content. Content that aims to provide a ‘How to Guide’ or step-by-step instructions for products or services are also great sources for copy that will never go out of fashion. Even content that aims to provide information for after care customer service, such as warranties and special care instructions can help direct traffic to your website and provide useful and relevant information to your readers.
Want to speak with the SEO experts at SponsoredLinX to learn more about how evergreen content can help your business? Then call us on 1300 859 600 today.