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Three Social Media Marketing Strategies That You Need To Know About

As social media and traditional marketing gradually intertwine, businesses are using social media platforms as marketing tools in order to boost their revenue. Social media is a very black and white, give and take world. One small misstep and you could be heading in the wrong direction.  Below, we’ve provided you with a handy guide, including social media marketing strategies, in order to optimise the social media pages that you have created for your business.

1. Use Relevant Channels For Your Social Content – Choose What You Post Wisely

Each social platform is aimed at a different audience, so why feed them all the same posts? For every network, use an alternate strategy that provides differing information for the appropriate audiences. Culture content that’s aimed at the specific platform it appears on, and ensure that it functions. Occasionally, posts just don’t fit! When you’re writing, ask yourself, is this post right? Does it go well here? Adjust them to enhance the message you are trying to put forward and the goals you wish to achieve. Social media is not made up of one size fits all platforms.

Social Media Marketing Strategies

2. Listen To Your Audience

What’s a successful page without its followers? It’s your responsibility to keep them happy and coming back.! Your customers can and will share negative feedback- giving you a bad rating. You don’t want a simple mistake, like not listening to feedback, to affect the quality of your business’ reputation. Create a positive online community by asking your audience questions, find out what they want to see, and constantly be interactive! Read all of your reviews and feedback, as disgruntled and unanswered customers expect a quick response. This is your chance to salvage the situation and remove the opportunity for them to place negative comments and reviews on your page.

Social Media Marketing Strategies


3. Visual Content Is Key

Occasionally, bigger is better. Produce Content that involves imagery or videos and grab attention on the first go. In a world where everyone’s programmed to ‘not judge a book by its cover,’ your audience will definitely make a decision within the first three seconds as to whether or not it is worth their time. Create eye-catching content and take advantage of the visual tools that are available to you. Make a statement, get them looking at you. Simple text posts will not be noticed while an individual is nonchalantly scrolling through their feed.

Social Media Marketing Strategies

Social media is ever changing. Don’t be discouraged with all of the new gadgets that are placed in front of you. Good things take time; don’t expect your following to grow overnight. Stick to what you know and continue to create content that reflects your brand and the goals that you’ve set. Create a relationship with your following and keep improving that relationship with every post.

Looking for more social media marketing strategies to enhance your online presence? Contact SponsoredLinX today on 1300 859 600 to find out more.