

Client Video Summary


Dermitt is the sole trader of Carpetmaster – a premium carpet cleaning business based out of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland that specialises in multiple services including tile cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and more. Like many small businesses, Carpetmaster was majorly impacted by the pandemic and Dermitt approached SponsoredLinX needing help to pivot his business. Prior to Covid, the majority of Dermitt’s business revolved around seasonal tourism cleaning holiday apartments and Airbnb cleaning. Given the current circumstance, he knew that he needed to reach a new audience and expand his business channels if he were to survive.

In lieu of his usual business stream, SponsoredLinX worked with Dermitt to reach new audiences using an integrated Google Ads and localised SEO strategy. This was done by expanding Dermitt’s geographic reach, funneling leads through channels that allowed for the highest ROI such as calls over emails, and focusing ads on cleaning services that allowed for the highest ROI. Additionally, geo-targeted campaigns and location-specific keywords were implemented in unison with copy that promoted Dermitt’s unique selling points of being a local sole trader with a premium service. These strategies were then coupled with SponsoredLinX rebuilding Dermitt’s website to high converting with a seamless transition from ads to sales.


“All the team at SponsoredLinX have impressed me with their professionalism and great results. Special thanks should go to Trent, Brendan, and Jaimie. I am just a sole trader yet this team treats me with great respect plus they are making lots of money for me.” Dermitt Ross, Carpetmaster 



conversions per lead

Expand to 

new audiences

Increase number of

call enquiries










conversion rate